Apr 9, 2012

Revision for OSPE


-grow as spherical nodules
-sharply circumscribed
-freely movable in the surrounding breast substance
-vary in size from less than 1 cm in diameter to large tumors that can replace most of the breast.

Grossly, the tumors are
3)grayish white nodules that bulge above the surrounding tissue
4)contain slitlike spaces.

The stroma
-resembling intralobular stroma, -enclosing glandular and cystic spaces lined by epithelium.
-The epithelium may be surrounded by stroma or compressed and distorted by it
-In older women, the stroma typically becomes densely hyalinized and the epithelium atrophic


-sharply circumscribed
-discrete, round, firm,
-gray-white tumors varying in size from small, barely visible nodules to massive tumors that fill the pelvis.
-are found within the myometrium of the corpus
-infrequently do they involve the uterine ligaments, lower uterine segment, or cervix.

-characteristic whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles on cut section
-Large tumors may develop areas of yellow-brown to red softening (red degeneration).

histologic examination,
-composed of whorled bundles of smooth muscle cells that resemble the uninvolved myometrium
-individual muscle cells are
1)uniform in size and shape
2)characteristic oval nucleus
3)long, slender bipolar cytoplasmic processes.
4)Mitotic figures are scarce
5)low mitotic index


characterized by
1)hyperplasia of prostatic stromal and epithelial cells
2)formation of large, fairly discrete nodules in the periurethral region of the prostate
3)originates almost exclusively in the inner aspect of the prostate gland, in the transition zone

In nodules with
1)primarily glandular proliferation,
-the tissue is yellow-pink
-soft consistency,
-milky white prostatic fluid oozes out of these areas.
2)fibromuscular involvement
-nodule is pale gray,
-does not exude fluid
-less clearly demarcated from the surrounding prostatic capsule.

Microscopically, the hallmark of BPH is
1)nodularity due to glandular proliferation or dilation and to fibrous or muscular proliferation of the stroma
2)foci of squamous metaplasia
3)small areas of infarction

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